

StayApart provides you enticing hand-picked accommodation in some of the amazing locales so that you spend some of the most memorable time with your family and friends.

All the properties under StayApart are carefully picked and screened for you. The properties have to tick all the correct boxes to make it to the list of properties under StayApart. Important amenities such as quality of beds, linens and other facilities should be of top-notch qualities.

No stones are left unturned to make your vacation grand from the day of your arrival to the day of your check-out. You are attended with utter professionalism and with personalized service.

A happy and satisfied customer is our main motto behind providing these services. We are serving more than 50 multinational corporations. The customer should be comfortable and should feel like home when he/she is at our property and we strive to provide that. This has led us to start our amazing line of stays, i.e. Vacation Rentals to provide you with that level of comfort.

Come what may we will continue to serve our customers in the best way possible to give them a memorable vacation with their closed ones. Whether they stay at some of the best Hotel in Kasauli or at some of the best Hotels in Rishikesh, they will be served the best.

Handpicked Holiday Accommodations

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